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World citizenship: CMAtlv collective production to start thinking

Dernière mise à jour : 10 mai 2020

By Alexandre GINOYER

President of CMAtlv

The citizen is part of a nesting of levels ranging from unity to the world:

  • himself

  • in his family, among his relatives,

  • in his place of residence (street, village, city, district, region ...)

  • in his country, which has its laws, which dictates rights and duties,

  • in a union of countries like the EU, for some, which also has its regulations,

  • in the world…

It is at this global level that this reflection would take place, knowing that the more restricted levels condition, regulate and influence individuals differently.

It would therefore be a question of defining rights and duties common to all the members of the human community, a "lowest common denominator," which should be acquired if not defended whatever the places of the world, the countries or societies to which they belong.

Examples of rights and duties (to be discussed between "people of the world"):


  • Living in a peaceful world

  • Being fed, housed, cared for

  • Living safely

  • Being educated so as to be able to access a place in society (exercise a profession, provide for one's own needs, develop), think for oneself, decide for oneself

  • Power to circulate (subject to legal obligation of restriction)

  • Be informed objectively

  • To be treated with respect, whatever its particularities

  • To be defended fairly if necessary

  • Take part in citizen decisions (vote)

  • Practice the cultural and worship activities of your choice


  • Respect yourself

  • Treat others with respect, fairness, humanity

  • Help, act for the good of others

  • Respect the planet for future generations

  • Act for peace at all levels

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