Version Française | English Version
| Thursday, 26 November 2020, 10:30 am to 4:00 pm |

DIGI@TER is the result of collaboration between 6 European organisations, DIGI@TER is 3 years of work, 2 years of experimentation, 5 European countries and 300 young people concerned (from 16 to 29 years old, with a bac/infrabac level).
Starting from a simple observation : young people with no qualifications or few qualifications are struggling to find their place in the labour market, whereas they are developing real technical know-how through their personal use. Our desire is to create a specific curriculum that allows these young people to translate their human qualities and know-how into professional skills, so that they can eventually find a job and their place in society.
Professionals in the employment or training sector, players in the digital world :
discover our results, share your ideas!
Please confirm your registration at the following address:
A link will be sent to you to attend the video conference.
within the limit of the number of eligible participants.
From 10.30am to 12.00pm
Welcome of the participants and summary presentations, each followed by a sequence of questions/answers:
Presentation of the DIGI@TER project, context of creation of the project, objective, partners, progress, experimentation, etc.
Presentation of the experiments
Presentation of the deliverables created
From 1.30 pm to 4 pm
Workshops on the use of the productions, on the conditions of sustainability of the DIGI@TER project, beyond its contractual life and on the identification of elements of success for future similar actions. This will be followed by a time of restitution and synthesis.
Please indicate the workshop you wish to attend.
Workshop 1: What pedagogical approaches should be favoured in order to help today's young people acquire essential soft skills and prepare their future?
Workshop 2: What changes should be made and at what levels to make the training course attractive and effective for the learner and useful for the employer? How can the content of the pathways be adjusted to employers' expectations ?
Workshop 3: How can a territorial dynamic promote the social and professional integration of young people? With which actors, what will, what support, what animation, what follow-up, for what expected results?